Sunday, December 29, 2013

Xmas vacation

Our xmas vacation started on December 20th and stops on January 2nd. James is off school till the 6th.

We have been going out most days to the botanical gardens or the zoo. The weather has been cold but sunny generally. 

Ewan continues to be very interested in trees and in particular trees that have fallen down. So he likes walking around in the woods looking for fallen trees.  He gets very excited when he finds one.

Santa came on Christmas eve and we now have a lot more toys than before.

The boys are happy and are playing together much better than before as Ewan continues to grow up and be more inclined to get along with James.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

70 degree December day

The Saturday before Christmas was warm and sunny here: 70 degrees!  I took the boys to the botanical gardens.  Ewan got to see a lot of trees that had fallen into the lake.  James and I threw mulch at sunning turtles on logs. I climbed far out on a fallen tree trunk above the water to see if the last turtle would jump.  He let me get within a few feet before jumping.